The Ligra API is conceptually very simple. At a high level, users can

  • Represent subsets of vertices
  • Apply a map function over the out-edges of a subset of vertices
  • Apply a map function over a subset of vertices
  • Apply a filter function over a subset of vertices

Using these simple primitives, we can design and cleanly express most graph algorithms.

Primitive Types #

Ligra uses several 'primitive types' that are non-standard in C/C++. This is to allow the same application code to work on graphs with more than MAX_INT many vertices or edges without changing all of the type-annotations from int to long.

  • intT : The vertex identifier type
  • uintT : The unsigned vertex identifier type
  • intE : The edge identifier type
  • uintE : The unsigned edge identifier type

Data Structures #

vertexSubset: represents a subset of vertices in the graph.

The most common constructors are provided below. A full list can be found in ligra.h.

  • vertexSubset(long n, intE v): constructs a subset with a single element, v.
  • vertexSubset(long n, long m, uintE* indices): constructs a subset of size m containing the the first m elements pointed to by indices.
  • vertexSubset(long n, bool* bits): constructs a subset of size $n$ whose elements are the entries of bits that are set to 1.

Functions #

edgeMap: #

template <class vertex, class F>
vertexSubset edgeMap(graph<vertex> GA, vertexSubset &V, F f, 
                     intT threshold = -1, char option=DENSE, bool remDups=false);

Takes as input 3 required arguments and 3 optional arguments:

  • a graph G
  • vertexSubset V
  • struct F
  • threshold argument (optional, default threshold is m/20)
  • an option in {DENSE, DENSE_FORWARD} (optional, default value is DENSE)
  • a boolean indicating whether to remove duplicates (optional, default does not remove duplicates).

It returns as output a vertexSubset Out (see section 4 of paper for how Out is computed).

The F struct contains three boolean functions: update, updateAtomic and cond. update and updateAtomic should take two integer arguments (corresponding to source and destination vertex). In addition, updateAtomic should be atomic with respect to the destination vertex. cond takes one argument corresponding to a vertex. For the cond function which always returns true, cond_true can be called.

struct F {
  inline bool update (intT s, intT d) {
  //fill in
  inline bool updateAtomic (intT s, intT d){ 
  //fill in
  inline bool cond (intT d) {
  //fill in 

The threshold argument determines when edgeMap switches between edgeMapSparse and edgeMapDense---for a threshold value T, edgeMap calls edgeMapSparse if the vertex subset size plus its number of outgoing edges is less than T, and otherwise calls edgeMapDense.

DENSE is a read-based version where all vertices not satisfying cond loop over their incoming edges and DENSE_FORWARD is a write-based version where each frontier vertex loops over its outgoing edges. This optimization is described in Section 4 of the paper.

Note that duplicate removal can only be avoided if updateAtomic returns true at most once for each vertex in a call to edgeMap.

vertexMap: #

template <class F>
void vertexMap(vertexSubset V, F add);

Takes as input:

  • vertexSubset $V$ and a
  • function $F$ which is applied to all vertices in $V$. It does not have a return value.

vertexFilter: #

template <class F>
void vertexFilter(vertexSubset V, F filter);

Takes as input

  • vertexSubset $V$ and
  • boolean function $F$ which is applied to all vertices in $V$.. It returns a vertexSubset containing all vertices $v \in V$ such that $F(v)$ returns true.
struct F {
  inline bool operator () (intT i) {
  //fill in

To write your own Ligra code, it would be helpful to look at the code for the provided applications as reference.

Currently the results of the computation are not used, but the code can be easily modified to output the results to a file.

To develop a new implementation, simply include "ligra.h" in the implementation files. When finished, one may add it to the ALL variable in Makefile. The function that is passed to the Ligra/Ligra+ driver is the following Compute function, which is filled in by the user. The first argument is the graph, and second argument is a structure containing the command line arguments, which can be extracted using routines in parseCommandLine.h, or manually from P.argv and P.argc.

template<class vertex>
void Compute(graph<vertex>& GA, commandLine P){ 
