Tutorial: KCore

At this point, you should be familiar with some of the basic features of Ligra such as the vertexSubset datatype and core parts of the API such as edgeMap. For examples of how to use this, please refer to either the previous tutorial or the API reference.

In this tutorial, we will introduce and use other parts of the core API such as vertexFilter in order to compute the k-core of a graph. Given $G = (V, E)$ the $k$-core of $G$ is the maximal set of vertices $S \subset V$ s.t. the degree for $v \in S$ in $G[S]$ (the induced subgraph of $G$ over $S$) is at least $k$. These objects have been useful in the study of social networks and bioinformatics, and have natural applications in the visualization of complex networks.

In the $k$-core problem, our goal will be to produce a map, $f : V \rightarrow \mathbb{N}$ s.t. for $v \in V$, $f(v)$ is the maximum core that $v$ is a part of. We refer to $f(v)$ as the core-number of $v$. A commonly used measure is the degeneracy of a graph, which is just the maximum non-empty core that $G$ supports.

A simple algorithm #

Here's a simple algorithm for computing the $k$-cores of a graph. Our goal is to produce an array cores that contains the core-number for each vertex. Initialize $k$ to be 1. Initially, all vertices are active. Check all active vertices, and remove any with induced degree less than $k$. Continue this process until no vertices are left. By definition, this is the $k$-core of the graph. For any vertices $v \in V$ removed during this step, set cores[v] = k-1. Decrement the induced degree of all neighbors of removed vertices. Increment $k$ and continue until there are no more active vertices.

Implementing the simple algorithm #

Let's get started! cd into the tutorial/ directory and open up the file called KCore.C.

#include "ligra.h"

template <class vertex>
void Compute(graph<vertex>& GA, commandLine P) {
  const long n = GA.n; 
  bool* active = new bool[n];
  {parallel_for(long i=0;i<n;i++) active[i] = 1;}
  vertexSubset Frontier(n, n, active);
  long* coreNumbers = new long[n];

Last time we explicitly created a vertexSubset, we used a constructor that took a single vertex, $v$ and produced the subset ${s}$. The default representation of such a small subset is sparse. Here, we are creating a dense vertexSubset. The difference is that a sparse subset will represent a subset of size $k$ using an array containing $k$ vertex-ids, but a dense representation will just use an array of $n$ bits. For large subsets that are roughly $O(n)$, the dense implementation will be more space efficient, and will allow us to decide membership in a subset in $O(1)$.

We also need to keep around an array containing the induced degrees of vertices.

  long* Degrees = new long[n]; 
  parallel_for(long i=0;i<n;i++) {
    coreNumbers[i] = 0;
    Degrees[i] = GA.V[i].getOutDegree();
  long largestCore = -1; 

Filtering vertices #

Great! We now need to implement the logic that separates a vertexSubset into two sets: vertices with degree $< k$ and vertices with induced degree $\geq k$. In order to do this, we will use a new part of the Ligra API: vertexFilter, which takes as input a vertexSubset and a function that, given the id of a vertex, determines whether the vertex should be included in the returned vertexSubset or not. The function has the following signature:

template <class F>
vertexSubset vertexFilter(vertexSubset V, F filter);

We need to supply it with a structure that is callable on values of the vertex-id type (in our case, long). We need to overload the () operator for the structure for a long argument. The most basic structure that can be passed to vertexFilter is:

struct Vertex_F {
  inline bool operator () (long i) {
    return true;

Note that this leaves the input vertexSubset unchanged. We implement the structure to produce a vertexSubset containing vertices with degree $>= k$ as follows:

template<class vertex>
struct Deg_AtLeast_K {
  vertex* V;
  long *Degrees;
  long k;
  Deg_AtLeast_K(vertex* _V, long* _Degrees, long _k) : 
    V(_V), k(_k), Degrees(_Degrees) {}
  inline bool operator () (long i) {
    return Degrees[i] >= k;

The following structure will filter all vertices with degree $< k$. As vertices that satisfy this predicate are removed, we have to do some bookkeeping. In particular we

  • set their core-number to $k-1$
  • set their induced degree to $0$.
template<class vertex>
struct Deg_LessThan_K {
  vertex* V;
  long* coreNumbers;
  long* Degrees;
  long k;
  Deg_LessThan_K(vertex* _V, long* _Degrees, long* _coreNumbers, long _k) : 
    V(_V), k(_k), Degrees(_Degrees), coreNumbers(_coreNumbers) { }
  inline bool operator () (long i) {
    if(Degrees[i] < k) { coreNumbers[i] = k-1; Degrees[i] = 0; return true; }
    else return false;

Updating induced degrees #

The last part of the implementation is to update the induced degrees of the neighbors of removed vertices. We can do this by using edgeMap. We'll pass the following struct to edgeMap.

struct Update_Deg {
  long* Degrees;
  Update_Deg(long* _Degrees) : Degrees(_Degrees) {}
  inline bool update (long s, long d) {
    return 1;
  inline bool updateAtomic (long s, long d) {
    return 1;
  inline bool cond (long d) { return Degrees[d] > 0; }

Putting it all together #

What should our loop do? Initially $k$ starts at one. We don't know what the degeneracy (recall, the maximum non-empty $k$-core) of the graph is, but have a simple upper bound of $n$.

  for (long k = 1; k <= n; k++) {
    // TODO

What should we do inside of the loop? Inductively assume that we've computed the $k-1$ core, for some $1 < k < n$. In order to compute the $k$ core, we need to keep filtering vertices with induced degree $< k$ until either (1) there are no more vertices remaining in the graph or (2) all vertices have induced degree $>= k$. In code:

  for (long k = 1; k <= n; k++) {
    while (true) {
      vertexSubset toRemove =
      vertexSubset remaining = 
      Frontier = remaining;
      if (0 == toRemove.numNonzeros()) { // fixed point. found k-core
      else {
        vertexSubset output = edgeMap(GA,toRemove,Update_Deg(Degrees));
        toRemove.del(); output.del();
    if(Frontier.numNonzeros() == 0) { largestCore = k-1; break; }

The finished application #

#include "ligra.h"

struct Update_Deg {
  long* Degrees;
  Update_Deg(long* _Degrees) : Degrees(_Degrees) {}
  inline bool update (long s, long d) { 
    return 1;
  inline bool updateAtomic (long s, long d){
    return 1;
  inline bool cond (long d) { return Degrees[d] > 0; }

template<class vertex>
struct Deg_LessThan_K {
  vertex* V;
  long* coreNumbers;
  long* Degrees;
  long k;
  Deg_LessThan_K(vertex* _V, long* _Degrees, long* _coreNumbers, long _k) : 
    V(_V), k(_k), Degrees(_Degrees), coreNumbers(_coreNumbers) {}
  inline bool operator () (long i) {
    if(Degrees[i] < k) { coreNumbers[i] = k-1; Degrees[i] = 0; return true; }
    else return false;

template<class vertex>
struct Deg_AtLeast_K {
  vertex* V;
  long *Degrees;
  long k;
  Deg_AtLeast_K(vertex* _V, long* _Degrees, long _k) : 
    V(_V), k(_k), Degrees(_Degrees) {}
  inline bool operator () (long i) {
    return Degrees[i] >= k;

template <class vertex>
void Compute(graph<vertex>& GA, commandLine P) {
  const long n = GA.n;
  bool* active = new bool[n];
  {parallel_for(long i=0;i<n;i++) active[i] = 1;}
  vertexSubset Frontier(n, n, active);
  long* coreNumbers = new long[n];
  long* Degrees = new long[n];
  {parallel_for(long i=0;i<n;i++) {
      coreNumbers[i] = 0;
      Degrees[i] = GA.V[i].getOutDegree();
  long largestCore = -1;
  for (long k = 1; k <= n; k++) {
    while (true) {
      vertexSubset toRemove = 
      vertexSubset remaining = 
      Frontier = remaining;
      if (0 == toRemove.numNonzeros()) { // fixed point. found k-core
      else {
        vertexSubset output = edgeMap(GA,toRemove,Update_Deg(Degrees));
        toRemove.del(); output.del();
    if(Frontier.numNonzeros() == 0) { largestCore = k-1; break; }
  cout << "Degeneracy is " << largestCore << endl;
  Frontier.del(); free(coreNumbers); free(Degrees);

Compilation #

Compile the application by running make, which will produce a binary called KCore.

Testing #

Let's try computing the KCore of one of the input graphs.

$ ./KCore -s ../inputs/rMatGraph_J_5_100
largestCore was 4
Running time : 0.00594
largestCore was 4
Running time : 0.00559
largestCore was 4
Running time : 0.0057

Great! You can try running the KCore on more interesting examples, such as the twitter graph (note that -b indicates that the graph is stored as a binary, and -rounds 1 indicates that the application should be run just once)

$ numactl -i all ./KCore -s -b -rounds 1 twitter_sym
largestCore was 2488
Running time : 280