Implementation files are provided in the apps/ directory:
- BFS.C (breadth-first search)
- BFS-Bitvector.C (breadth-first search with a bitvector to mark visited vertices)
- BC.C (betweenness centrality)
- Radii.C (graph eccentricity estimation)
- Components.C (connected components)
- BellmanFord.C (Bellman-Ford shortest paths)
- PageRank.C
- PageRankDelta.C
- BFSCC.C (connected components based on BFS)
- KCore.C (computes k-cores of the graph)
Eccentricity Estimation #
Code for eccentricity estimation is available in the
apps/eccentricity/ directory:
- kBFS-Ecc.C (2 passes of multiple BFS's)
- kBFS-1Phase-Ecc.C (1 pass of multiple BFS's)
- FM-Ecc.C (estimation using Flajolet-Martin counters; an implementation of
a variant of HADI from TKDD '11)
- LogLog-Ecc.C (estimation using LogLog counters; an implementation of a
variant of HyperANF from WWW '11)
- RV.C (parallel implementation of the algorithm by Roditty and
Vassilevska Williams from STOC '13)
- CLRSTV.C (parallel implementation of a variant of the algorithm by Chechik,
Larkin, Roditty, Schoenebeck, Tarjan, and Vassilevska Williams from SODA '14)
- kBFS-Exact.C (exact algorithm using multiple BFS's)
- TK.C (a parallel implementation of the exact algorithm by Takes and
Kosters from Algorithms '13)
- Simple-Approx-Ecc.C (simple 2-approximation algorithm)
Follow the same instructions as above for compilation, but from the apps/eccentricity/ directory.
For kBFS-Ecc.C, kBFS-1Phase-Ecc.C, FM-Ecc.C, LogLog-Ecc.C, and
kBFS-Exact.C, the "-r" flag followed by an integer indicates the
maximum number of words to associate with each vertex. For all
implementations, the "-s" flag should be used as the current
implementations are designed for undirected graphs. To output the
eccentricity estimates to a file, use the "-out" flag followed by the
name of the output file. The file format is one integer per line, with
the eccentricity estimate for vertex i on line i.