The applications take the input graph as input as well as an optional flag "-s" to indicate a symmetric graph. Symmetric graphs should be called with the "-s" flag for better performance. For example:
$ ./BFS -s ../inputs/rMatGraph_J_5_100
$ ./BellmanFord -s ../inputs/rMatGraph_WJ_5_100
For BFS, BC and BellmanFord, one can also pass the "-r" flag followed by an integer to indicate the source vertex. rMat graphs along with other graphs can be generated with the graph generators in the utils/ directory. By default, the applications are run four times, with times reported for the last three runs. This can be changed by passing the flag "-rounds" followed by an integer indicating the number of timed runs.
On NUMA machines, adding the command "numactl -i all " when running the program may improve performance for large graphs. For example:
$ numactl -i all ./BFS -s <input file>
In order to run applications with compression enabled, the input graph must first be compressed using the encoder program provided. The encoder program takes as input a file in the format described in the next section, as well as an output file name. For symmetric graphs, the flag "-s" should be passed before the filenames, and for weighted graphs, the flag "-w" should be passed before the filenames. For example:
$ ./encoder -s ../inputs/rMatGraph_J_5_100 inputs/rMatGraph_J_5_100.compressed
$ ./encoder -s -w ../inputs/rMatGraph_WJ_5_100 inputs/rMatGraph_WJ_5_100.compressed
After compressing the graphs, the applications can be run in the same manner as on uncompressed graphs, but with an additional "-c" flag. For example:
$ ./BFS -s -c ../inputs/rMatGraph_J_5_100.compressed
$ ./BellmanFord -s -c ../inputs/rMatGraph_WJ_5_100.compressed
Make sure that the compression method used for compilation of the applications is consistent with the method used to compress the graph with the encoder program.